AmigaOS3.5 (256/967)

From:Don Cox
Date:7 May 2000 at 14:53:37
Subject:Re: OS 3.5 Suggestions/Bugs

On 07-May-00, David Oakes wrote:

>> 1. Change CrossDos icon for PC0: (or any dos disk for that matter)
>> to the 3.5 format (not the ugly 3.1 format that says CrossDos).
>> (Is it possible to have only one icon shown on the Workbench when
>> a disk is inserted--on the Mac if a PC disk is inserted it shows
>> only a PC disk with no additional unaccesible Mac disk?)
> Unfortunately, this isn't something that H&P or Amiga can fix for us.
> CrossDOS is a licensed product, not something that they created
> themselves. You as a user, can however use a hex editor and change
> the name of the default icon ( within l:CrossDOSFileSystem
> to something like and CrossDOS will then use the correct
> DefIcon icon.

My copy of OS3.5 installed a nice set of Glow Icons for PC floppies.
Didn't you get that? You should have a black disk with the Windows logo
on it in colour.


Don Cox

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